Thursday, June 6, 2013

Reaching All- Mobile and Internet Advertising

Growing market, new brands, varied products, all together has made advertising to be the boss of all. Though advertising is well written in the book of history, but with the expanding industry, it has seen many new dimensions. From print to digital, ads have always made the world look interactive and a counter to sell

  It started ages ago from newspapers and magazines to hoardings and billboards, television and radio to Mobile and Internet Advertising. In the present era of digitization, the well known Hindi quote, “jo dikhta hai wo bikta hai” can be taken to be changed to as “jo internet and mobile pe dikhta hai wo bikta hai”. With the advancements in technology, digital advertising has gained great importance. Getting visibility for your product on mobile and internet sounds to be the need of the hour and also the easiest option for all. As the mobile was a boon to connectivity, advertising over it is a credit. Entering the new gateway was a major achievement for the advertisers. With this endowment, it has become convenient for the sellers to cater the entire world just over a click. SMS campaigns, subscription alerts, e-mailers, social media link shares, and Web banners, etc. are some of the varied options surrounding us every minute, influencing our brains for the diverse products and brands.

 Advertising on mobile and internet is known to be a two way communication media, making it stand a step above the immobile one-way newspapers, radio and TV. This unique feature has increased the immediacy of response making it a salient medium for the advertisers who are eager to count the immediate market response. But, to get a response, required is a catchy design, which is too an easy task with the digitized media. Digitization breaks the barriers to interactive designing giving a freedom to express and stimulate without actually meeting the customers. Light to the pocket, in hand accessibility, enormous impact and quick response, all together has made internet and mobile advertising to reach the aerial heights and be the backbone for the advertisers. Advertising now, remains incomplete until the reaches the new media- the mobile and internet media, making it the smartest tactic to enter the supreme heads.

1 comment:

SEO.Sharma said...

Gr8 Posting .Thx for info mobile and Internet advertising agency.