The current Mobile advertising, on the other hand, is estimated to be just Rs 0.6 crore. It includes broadcast SMS, brand jingles as caller ring back tones (CRBT), product placements in mobile phone games and banner advertisements on Internet-accessed through mobile phones. India's online advertising is expected to reach an inflection point by 2009-end - a time when mobile advertising is predicted to grow at a roasting speed. Mobile advertising is going in a slow but fixed pace. The reason is that marketing people and consumers have to understand the benefits and the technology has to be sold at a low price. Mobile advertising as a product to mobile marketers is also somewhat upsetting: There are a lot of new concepts for marketers to learn.
However, it’s said that there is more of talking then action in mobile marketing.
· Mobile advertising grows bigger than any other form of digital advertising or internet advertising.
· The number of people that uses mobile increasing rapidly.
· Chances of seeing an ad in mobile is higher using SMS or MMS Applications.
· The response rate is higher on mobile as compared to other advertising devices.
· Advertisers can arrive at their target audience more accurately.
The biggest challenge for Mobile Advertising or internet advertising now is educating the system that mobile is not the same as the Internet, because of the advanced functionality of phones and networks.
Mobile advertising and internet advertising has gone away from the testing stage by brands, which now see it as a reasonable option for the promotional dollars. The operators have played a vital role in helping the association develop guidelines for Internet Advertising India or Mobile Advertising India. Over the past few years mobile advertising has become a reasonable advertising channel. This is due to the fact that unlike email over the public internet, the carriers who control their own networks have set guidelines and best practices for the mobile advertising industry (including mobile marketing). The IAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau) and the Mobile Marketing Association, as well, has established guidelines regarding the use of the mobile channel for marketers. No doubt Internet Advertising is going to be the world’s topmost advertising techniques within couple of years. For more information about internet advertising and mobile advertising.
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