Showing posts with label Internet Advertising Campaign. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Internet Advertising Campaign. Show all posts

Friday, November 21, 2014

Advertise Online? Make Sure Your Content Leaves No Scope for Trolls!

Internet Advertising has a new threat. No, this threat is not from the black hats, neither is it from a new updates of the search engines. This threat comes directly from the very users which Internet Advertising target (or at least the cheeky ones). These are the very funny, very witty (but from the brand’s point of view, very unwanted) Trolls. Trolling has the capability to hit your ad so hard that it becomes a major task to proofread it against any such possibility.

A troll is any internet user who comments or modifies any posting on the internet (including ad campaigns) with an intention to cause disruption or sabotage the post. A troll usually finds loopholes in the graphics or the ad copy and wrecks havoc with slight modifications or by pointing out the discrepancy with their comments and re-tweets. The way to prevent them from doing so is to ensure that the copies and design do not resemble anything which is offensive or defeats the purpose of the campaign. Campaigns which are highly localized should also take the local anecdotes and customs into consideration. For example, an Internet Advertising Campaign, using a series of images and targeting the Middle East, should be careful as Arabic, the prevalent language there, is read from the right to left.

The trolls have increased the importance and scope of proofreading. The leading Internet Advertising Agencies take special care on this front. A trolled ad campaign often tends to be a complete disaster as it usually gains more popularity than the original ad itself.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Visual SEO Content Vs Written SEO Content

One of the opinions circulating in the Online Advertising circles is that Visual SEO Content is better than Written SEO Content. The question to be asked here is “What are the criteria which are being used for the judgment?” Because though it is true that visual content is far more attractive than written content, Internet Ads having more visual content do not always have better sales per click. Enticing a click is only the first step targeted by an Online Ad. If the click does not convert into actual buying, it is of little use to the business. What needs to be attained is a balance by which attractive visuals or graphics and written content can be put together.

Ads focusing more on the visual content often confuse the user on what the actual nature of the product or service is. Thus, the clicks often do not get converted into actual sales in which case the benefits of the attractive ad cannot be reaped. The Top Internet Advertising Agencies know that sacrificing written content in the favor of visual content may lead to a high traffic but is unlikely to generate sales on its own. Moreover, at a time when Mobile Internet Advertising is increasingly taking over Desktop Internet Advertising, focusing only on visuals may increase the confusion. The small spaces have to be utilized in a smart way, and thus most Mobile Internet Ads contain written content with the visuals in the background.

Attempts to decide whether visual content is more important than written content is a futile exercise as both of them are equally important for a successful Internet Advertising Campaign. The visuals and graphics create the attraction, leading the user to click on them, while the well written ad copies maintain the relevancy of the users who so.